
I love books! What more can I say? provides me with all the DVD’s I can handle. As for books, my thanks go out to, Borders (a chai latte, please!) and all the used book sales I can get to. For anything I can’t find in any of these places, I go to my local library. (Interlibrary Loans are SHINY!)

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Plinean or Plinian?

As a treat for getting a somewhat decent full-time job, I purchased the first of 10 volumes of Pliny’s Natural History. What a great book! Latin on the left hand page and English on the right-hand page…. It’s really helping my Latin vocab! I’ll buy a new volume every couple of months… then I’ll start on the 28 volumes of Cicero.

Plinian quote of the day “To be awake is to be alive.” [Vita vigilia est] Pliny recommends only 4-5 hours of sleep each night with a couple of naps during the day. He feels that it will give you more time to study and write… and he wrote a lot!


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