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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Peter Weller is still alive!!!

Ohhh the misery!

What I really mean is that Christopher Henderson, a character Peter Weller is playing on the television show 24 is still alive… so I have to continue watching this ridiculous show! I like Peter Weller. I think its amazing that an actor can play TWO iconic characters in a lifetime… Buckaroo Banzai and Robocop. I loved him in Naked Lunch as well. And I’m all a-flutter waiting impatiently for the DVD release of his series Odyssey 5.

But please… don’t make me watch 24 anymore! Everyone dies in this show so I vowed to only watch it until Peter Weller’s character dies. But no such luck, he’s as bulletproof as Jack Bauer.

I used to be a huge fan of 24 for about the first 14 or so episodes of the first year. Then someone got amnesia from a bump on the head and the complex conspiracy theories became twisted upon themselves. They would have excellent guest stars… then kill them. Logic would go right out the window as the actors desperately tried to salvage their performances when they are suddenly told at the last minute that THEY were the bad guys all along. Not much has changed in the five years the show has been on.

But I still watch because I like Peter Weller. So, I might as well have fun.

What did Christopher Henderson do this week?
He drove around a lot as usual. Got the prez to tell him where Jack was hiding. Somehow hired a bunch of commandos and a helicopter. (One of my main problems with this show is that the bad guys always seem to have plenty of men and lots of equipment… meanwhile Jack is ALONE with only his wits and a blunt pen knife.) All of Henderson’s men were killed in the last two attempts at Jack, but he still manages to find more.

Henderson arrives at the airport, dodges a hail of bullets (I think I saw some bounce off of him!) and kidnaps Audrey. Meanwhile all of his men are once again killed when Jack blows up a tanker (with one bullet!) Cold as ice Henderson severs an artery on Audrey so Jack will give him the damning evidence. As Audrey bleeds out, Henderson escapes (in a hail of bullets from Jack), steals a car and is off for another long drive.

Questions for this week:
Did Henderson kill Evelyn and her kid last week? That’s mega-cold.
Can the writers come up with a better explanation of Henderson’s actions than “I’m a patriot; I’m killing Americans for the good of the country!” That’s so lame.
How’s Mrs. Henderson doing? Jack shot her in the thigh and I hope she’s doing well.


Blogger paintergirl said...

Hey-I decided to do a search for good ole me weller and your site came up first. that's fun!
I am hooked on 24 now also because of buckaroo. anytime he comes on and speaks, I let out a little giggle because I love his voice. it's great to see him play a meany.
I think I may put on my answering machine-"where is bauer" in the best robocop voice.

I think Henderson did kill the mom and girl. He is ice. and I think he as other motives that we do not know about. I bet he's like Darth Vadar. he was so strong and powerful, but then the dark force go to him. that's just a theory. Hey and he has a wife? And isn't he a doctor?

Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:54:00 PM  

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