
I love books! What more can I say? provides me with all the DVD’s I can handle. As for books, my thanks go out to, Borders (a chai latte, please!) and all the used book sales I can get to. For anything I can’t find in any of these places, I go to my local library. (Interlibrary Loans are SHINY!)

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I'm a librarian! But enough about me... tell me about yourself!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Howdy everyone! Another quarter of Library school is finally over and my head is hurting from all the new knowledge I have. So….. its time to start reading whatever comes my way!

Because of my Doctor Who obsession I read “Keeper of Traken” a novelization of the Tom Baker episode where the Master in the form of Anthony Ainley makes his return. It’s very precisely close to the episode and doesn’t offer any of the ‘extra’ stuff that some of the novelizations do.

“The Joy of Simple Living” by Jeff Davidson. If your life is a bit complicated then this book can help by giving tips on paring back on all the things you think you *have* to do. As I was reading it I realized that I was already doing many of the things he suggests. This must mean that I am very simple or very poor. Perhaps both.

“How to Meditate” by Alan Watts. I breezed through this slim tome like a reading meditation. This 1960’s book uses phrases like ‘digging it’, ‘it’s a happening’, and other groovy phrases. I often think about meditating on a regular basis (hence the fact that I have many books about meditation), but then I just want to read another book (maybe one on meditation…) And then before I can get back to meditating, I want to read another, and another, and another…

“Authentic Happiness” by Martin Seligman. One of the best anti-depression books I have read (and I have read A LOT of anti-depression books!) It approaches the problem not from the point of view of focusing on the symptoms, but by simply increasing happiness. There are many ways of doing this. You can take a test to see what you enjoy doing, and then you have to go out and do that thing as much as possible. Helping others also increases your sense of happiness. This information is available online at Find out how you can get happier!

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LIBRARIANS: the books, the fame, the fortune… What more could you want? (Maybe more books.)


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