How to make money
I am also reading “Damn! Why didn’t I Write That: How Ordinary People are Raking in $100,000 or more Writing Non-Fiction Books & How you Can Do it Too” by Marc McCutcheon. So far it just gives lists of people and books that have sold well without giving any real information on how to get started in the business. While he says there are some sure-fire subjects like cooking and weight loss, he also says that the market is glutted with these titles and people are always looking for something different. In other words, writing a big hit will pretty much be dumb luck. Well, wish me dumb luck! I’m going to come up with my own niche title and rake it in!
Today’s Mr. Moto movie is “Mr. Moto Takes a Chance.” This was quite good with another surprisingly strong female character… and another dopey guy whose only concern is to chase her. Mr. Moto has now advanced from chasing antique smugglers to becoming a spy looking for an ammunition dump and a possible revolution. This is an excellent entry into the series with a really nice documentary about the life of Peter Lorre thrown in as well.
Also today is when Volume 2 is released, with the final four Peter Lorre Mr. Moto films. I have to save up my pennies for that one.
I also watched the Silver Chair, the last entry into the Narnia movies. It was quite good with Tom Baker (Doctor Who #4) as Puddleglum the Marshwiggle.
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