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Thursday, September 15, 2005

I love a man in a uniform!

Lately I’ve been raving about that upstanding sword of justice, Hugh Beringar of Maesbury, deputy sheriff of Shrewsbury. Let’s now fast-forward about 900 years to an upstanding service revolver of justice. I’m talking about Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, head of the British branch of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (U.N.I.T.)

The Brig (as his giddy fans like to call him) is a major ally to the Doctor in the British series “Doctor Who.” After that fiasco with “Monarch of the Glen” I have finally gotten back to watching every episode I can find of Doctor Who. I just finished “Spearhead from Space” the episode that introduces Jon Pertwee as the third Doctor. The Brig had been seen earlier in “Web of Fear” where he was just a Colonel in the British Army. The attack of robotic Yeti made the army consider a special taskforce to combat alien invasion. Their first trial was in “The Invasion” when the newly promoted Brig gets to fight the dreaded Cybermen. All this was with Patrick Troughton’s Doctor.

“Spearhead from Space” marks the beginning of the UNIT episodes of the Earthbound Doctor as well as introducing Liz Shaw, the Doctor’s latest companion. Liz is a prickly witch in this first episode, especially when she is dealing with the Brig. Unlike a stereotypical military man, the Brig is very much a gentleman and (unlike Liz) extremely open-minded when it comes to the possibility of alien invasion.

I attribute this to his very practical nature. Aliens have invaded before, and aliens might invade again… and if you see an alien, then shoot first and wonder about it later. It’s good to have a practical man on your side with a loaded service revolver, especially when so many people want to be all Steven-Speilbergy about aliens and take them home to cuddle. Some aliens don’t want to cuddle; they just want your planet. So, HOORAY for the Brig… Five rounds rapid!

The DVD of “Spearhead” features a very nice “UNIT recruitment film” which features the Brig and clips from over the years. Commentary is given by Nicholas Courtney who played the Brig and Caroline John who played Liz Shaw. This is a very nice package and a very nice addition to any collection.

N.B. – Jon Pertwee (Doctor Who #3) is the father of Sean Pertwee (Hugh Beringar.) It’s an acting-family thing.

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LIBRARIANS: the GPS locators in a wilderness of information.
Some day when I grow up, I wanna be a librarian.


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