
I love books! What more can I say? provides me with all the DVD’s I can handle. As for books, my thanks go out to, Borders (a chai latte, please!) and all the used book sales I can get to. For anything I can’t find in any of these places, I go to my local library. (Interlibrary Loans are SHINY!)

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Location: New Orleans, United States

I'm a librarian! But enough about me... tell me about yourself!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Books at Work

I have to read a bunch of books at the place I work. Here are just a few…

“The New High-Intensity Training: the best muscle-building system you've never tried” by Ellington Darden. – Ha! This book is a hoot! …and not just for the gratuitous man-meat. The H.I.T. method of building muscle for bodybuilders not only makes a great acronym (and you KNOW how I love a great acronym) it has a bizarre history full of hot-tempered gurus, slightly deranged muscle-men, competitive jealousy, and manly specimens of muscle (who die of heart-attacks in their late 40’s). The best line was the guru who said that if you never puked after a workout, then you’re doing it all wrong!

“Suzy Bales' down-to-earth gardener: let nature guide you to success in your garden” – I said this before, someday I’ll have a garden, but its not going to be anything like Bales’ garden. She worked for nearly 30 years on a vast tract of land creating a variety of elaborate gardens. I don’t have 30 years… maybe I’ll just visit her place.

“Yankee magazine's panty hose, hot peppers, tea bags, and more -- for the garden: 1,001 ingenious ways to use common household items to control weeds, beat pests, cook compost, solve problems, make tricky jobs easy, and save time.” – Kooky book full of neat tricks, it’s most useful if you live near a garbage dump. (My review is shorter than the title!)

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LIBRARIANS: the books, the fame, the fortune… What more could you want? (Maybe more books.)


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