
I love books! What more can I say? provides me with all the DVD’s I can handle. As for books, my thanks go out to, Borders (a chai latte, please!) and all the used book sales I can get to. For anything I can’t find in any of these places, I go to my local library. (Interlibrary Loans are SHINY!)

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

DVD rentals

When I need a break from the school work I pop in a DVD from Netflix. Lately I have been doing a marathon viewing of Babylon 5. I'm just finishing up the first season. I have also started watching "The Last Detective" TV series staring Peter Davison playing a nice detective named Dangerous Davis. The key word here is "nice." All the other detectives are "modern" and a bunch of jerks. Dangerous is "old-fashioned" and therefore cares about the victims. Everyone can be very cruel to Dangerous but Davison pulls it off very nicely. It's a pleasant show to watch.


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