Firefly Disk #2, part 1
Shingdig – Sort of an Inara/Mal ‘shipper (relationship) episode. We see her at work and feel the tension between her and Captain Tightpants. Kaylee gets to explore some girly tendencies, but under all that frou-frou, she’s still obsessed with engines.
Mal’s inexperience with a sword was the only thing that perplexed me. I know that they are primarily focused on guns and gun culture (i.e. the wild west), but a major component of the society is Chinese culture. To me, Asian culture still focuses on the sword or weaponless (open hand) combat. In Japanese manga and anime the future is still fought with swords. Perhaps Mal’s inexperience is attributable to his level in society (a very low level); only upper level people learn to use a sword.
Safe – Definitely a Simon/River episode. Flashbacks to their childhood coupled with their kidnapping and accusations of witchcraft create a tender image of their relationship. We also get a more definite answer to what River’s abilities are: reading minds is just the tip of the iceberg.
This episode also lays the foundation for the mystery of Shepard Book. His ident-card gets him into and out of the Alliance hospital without another word.
One more thing about this episode – the cows that were being loaded onto the ship at the end of Shindig are being unloaded at the beginning of this episode. Kaylee comforts the wounded Shepard “Just like he did for me.” … This persistence of memory that infuses every episode makes the whole series unfold like a single (very long) movie. Things don’t just happen in this show and then are left in a void (unlike many other science fiction shows). Growth, change and discovery are the hallmarks of this series and even though it is only 14 episodes, it can still be enjoyed over and over again like a classic motion picture.
<*<*<*<>*>*>* > provides me with all the DVD’s I can handle.
As for books, my thanks go out to, Borders (a chai latte, please!) and all the used book sales I can get to.
For anything I can’t find in any of these places, I go to my local library. (Interlibrary Loans are SHINY!)
LIBRARIANS: the GPS locators in a wilderness of information.