
I love books! What more can I say? provides me with all the DVD’s I can handle. As for books, my thanks go out to, Borders (a chai latte, please!) and all the used book sales I can get to. For anything I can’t find in any of these places, I go to my local library. (Interlibrary Loans are SHINY!)

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Location: New Orleans, United States

I'm a librarian! But enough about me... tell me about yourself!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Books at Work

I have to read a bunch of books at the place I work. Here are just a few…

“The New High-Intensity Training: the best muscle-building system you've never tried” by Ellington Darden. – Ha! This book is a hoot! …and not just for the gratuitous man-meat. The H.I.T. method of building muscle for bodybuilders not only makes a great acronym (and you KNOW how I love a great acronym) it has a bizarre history full of hot-tempered gurus, slightly deranged muscle-men, competitive jealousy, and manly specimens of muscle (who die of heart-attacks in their late 40’s). The best line was the guru who said that if you never puked after a workout, then you’re doing it all wrong!

“Suzy Bales' down-to-earth gardener: let nature guide you to success in your garden” – I said this before, someday I’ll have a garden, but its not going to be anything like Bales’ garden. She worked for nearly 30 years on a vast tract of land creating a variety of elaborate gardens. I don’t have 30 years… maybe I’ll just visit her place.

“Yankee magazine's panty hose, hot peppers, tea bags, and more -- for the garden: 1,001 ingenious ways to use common household items to control weeds, beat pests, cook compost, solve problems, make tricky jobs easy, and save time.” – Kooky book full of neat tricks, it’s most useful if you live near a garbage dump. (My review is shorter than the title!)

<*<*<*<>*>*>* >
LIBRARIANS: the books, the fame, the fortune… What more could you want? (Maybe more books.)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Movie weekend

On weekends, after I have diligently done my homework, I like to watch something relaxing. Or not… this past weekend I indulged in “The Fellowship of the Ring”, the extended version. Still not at good at the books, but great fun with lots of lovely visuals (like Sean Bean!). The adventure that awaits you just outside your door always stirs me into action, so I drove a different way home from work one night.

This week’s Doctor Who episode was “Carnival of Monsters.” (Third Doc with Jo Grant.) While the Doctor and Jo are trapped in the Carnival, a strange political game is being played between some officious types and the carny people. Subtle political messages abound in this episode, especially when the Doctor rails against the carny folk for having a device that traps sentient life.

“Law and Order: Criminal Intent” is not as bad as I thought last week. Apparently they are switching back and forth between Noth and D’Onofrio. Needless to say, I will be watching the show every other week.

“Veronica Mars” – My friend suggested I watch this because Josh Whedon likes it. Of course, Josh Whedon liked the idea of killing Wash, so….. anyway, I watched it and it was quite good.

<*<*<*<>*>*>* >
LIBRARIANS: the books, the fame, the fortune… What more could you want? (Maybe more books.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Read On!

It’s been ages since I wrote because I’m very busy with my classes. But I have (in my weaker moments) been able read something other than my textbook.

“Lilias! Yoga Gets Better With Age” – From the lady who did the PBS yoga show for ages. As I slide down the other side of 40 I begin to want to workout to preserve what little energy I have. This is a very inspirational book that really makes you want to get on the floor and do some yoga.

“Dr. Strange: Essentials” – I’m still working on the mighty Marvel tome. Steve Ditko’s art has given away to others, as I plow through Strange Tale Vol. 1 but they are just pale imitations of the original. Meanwhile the good Doctor himself is looking rather youthful and (dare I say!) groovy. It is the early 1970’s after all and the Doc has to keep up with the times.

“Square Foot Gardening” by Mel Bartholomew. – I don’t have a garden, and if I did, I wouldn’t have time to tend it. But someday I hope to live in a real house with a bit of a yard. And in that yard is going to go lots of flowers and a vegetable garden. And that vegetable garden is going to be a square-foot garden. This book makes it seem so easy and fun… I can hardly wait!

“Online Retrieval” – The textbook. A crackin’ good read if you’re into that sort of thing. A bit dated, but the standard by which all others shall bow.

<*<*<*<>*>*>* >LIBRARIANS: the books, the fame, the fortune… What more could you want? (Maybe more books.)